Avoid the following after subscribing to the Cube.
In investing, Dont's are more important than Do's.
January 11, 2024
- Do not change the password, PIN, TOTP code of the broker account. If you do so, please update the same at the Cubes platform.
- Some brokers allow to login through mobile OTM and if used they disable TOTP based login, in such brokers please login only using TOTP method to avoid disturbing the seamless integration between Cubes and your broker account. If you change the TOTP code, kindly update it at the add broker section of Cubes.
- Do NOT pause /deactivate Cubes after a small fluctuation in performance. It is only normal to experience some fluctuation. It is advised to subscribers that to be prepared for the drawdown indicated in each cube. Deactivating and activating the Cube promptly can have a severe impact on performance. It is highly advised to research about the Cube and then subscribe.
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