What does Validate button do?

What does Validate button do?

Validation is a user based function for keeping a track of positions.

January 11, 2024

Validate button is user based functionality to check verify the positions in the broker account are in order with the positions as per the subscribed Cubes. In case of any discrepancy, i.e. excess position on either side (As per Cubes v/s broker), user can 'take action' by squaring off the positions from our platform itself.

It is important to keep the positions same both in broker and in cubes. Any discrepancies, should be resolved. If a user has a position from manual order in broker, they would be identified as discrepancy and user can choose not to square off them and track them separately.

Another tab in Validation is ‘Cubes’. This tab can be used to close selected open positions, in the Cubes record. This tab is usually used only before the closing subscription for that specific Cube.

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